Friday 4 May 2007

Off to pastures new . . .

Hola All

Well here I am having just waved Mark off on his way to New Zealand, since after several weeks of most frustrating organising, I have finally arranged to head back up to Quito tomorrow (to where the adventure started all those months ago . . .) so that I can do three weeks voluntary work in the Ecuadorian Amazon at a Wildlife Rehabilitation centre. I hope it will be as good as I imagine as I think it has aged me by several years already! Being a charity AND Ecuadorian I shouldn't really be surprised at the constant delays and lack of efficiency . . but I still am! ;o)
The website of the organisation I am volunteering for is: www. if you wish to know more.

Meanwhile Mark is looking forward to watching the rugby, frequenting Jazz clubs and enjoying some peace and quiet before I join him on the 31st May. . . . :o)

This last week in South America has been pretty hectic too. We went to a couple of towns in the wine region of Argentina – Mendoza and San Juan. Visited the Valley de Luna National Park which has amazing coloured rocks from each of the Mesozoic periods - Jurassic, Triassic and Cretaceous. Its pretty amazing really - one is bright red, another yellow and the other grey.
They have found many intact dinosaur fossils in the park too.
Then we had a very pretty bus journey across the Andes to Santiago, a surprisingly pleasant city. The area of our hostel looks how you would imagine London to have been many years ago with cobbled streets, old fashioned lamp posts and quaint buildings. However I can't remember being somewhere where so may people smoke for a very long time!
And that brings us up to date again so until the next instalment (and Mark said he may do one – shock horror!;o)) Take care and Adios.

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